
Adaptive Device Day in San Francisco

On May 3, 2024, our local Spin team in San Francisco had the pleasure of hosting another adaptive device testing day in partnership with AccessSFUSD and SFMTA.

With over 60 people in attendance, our community event in Golden Gate Park provided a great opportunity to gather feedback on our adaptive devices, which offer several practical features like cushioned seats and front baskets for storage.

Many participants noted that Spin’s adaptive scooters were significantly more stable and easier-to-use compared to the alternatives offered by other operators. With the sun shining in San Francisco, the Spin team rode alongside participants to help them get familiar with how to use our scooters and get suggestions on what else we could do to improve their riding experience.

Based on the constructive feedback collected from AccessSFUSD participants in previous years, Spin has made a number of structural improvements to our adaptive device options available on-street and through our Complimentary Adaptive Program with free personal deliveries.

For more details, please check out our available adaptive devices in San Francisco (see here) and submit a request for free rental and personal delivery to any location of your choice (see here).

For more information on our Spin Access equity program in Washington DC, please contact Brit Moller, Head of Public Policy and Communications at

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